Monday, December 29, 2008

Of Uncles

Uncle Liang and Uncle Fred was informed of little baby's existence, Uncle Haoki was informed via MSN today but there wasn't enough time to get a response from him.

Seems like more people are starting to know ler. According to some chinese belief, we will not officially announce the arrival till the 2nd trimester(where the baby is more stable too).. meanwhile, uncles, keep the news to yourselves yeah?


7 more days to go...

another 7 more days to go.. mummy going to visit gynae to check on baby's heartbeat.. heard it must be above 100 to be healthy.. gonna b exciting for mummy and daddy.. mummy worries about baby's health too cos she has been coughing for weeks..

dunno why mummy has been sleeping alot, mummy dont like to sleep in the past.. mummy has been askin for spicy and sweet foods recently too... but spicy and sour food is for little boys... dunno wat's on daddy's craving list recently.. he has been nibbling on food every 10mins yesterday.. haha..

mummy has been reading alot from the forums.. need to know if the auntie gynae can delivers in Mount A cos mummy read so many great comments about the place.. but mummy worries about the costs too.. there is antenatal package available from week 16 onwards too, but it will decide on the hospital mummy gonna delivers u..

baby is reaching week 7 this week, hence next week wen we see auntie gynae, baby coming to week 8...

one auntie in the forum say she saw her baby waving wen they did the scan.. wonder if mummy's baby will be so notti to move ard when seeing mummy n daddy too..

Friday, December 26, 2008

guess of the baby gender...

this whole week i start to get abit nauseous ler.. shld be in week 6 by now.. some of the MTBs say that the peak is in wk 8... oh no.. tat's nearing CNY for mi..

Daddy Ho said before that he will suck away all the nauseous feelings and the bloatedness.. haha... true enough, he got bloated feeling and wanted to vomit... haha..

anyway yesterday moring, Daddy Ho suddenly got this feeling that this is gonna b a baby girl.. he didnt tell me about it.. in the evening after dinner, Mummy Ho out of the blue told Daddy Ho that she has a strong hint that this is gonna b a baby girl.. Daddy Ho was v surprised that how come suddenly they have a same feeling...

Ppl always say it is pretty accurate when the mummy can predict the gender... gonna be more gentle and demure so that my little gal is a sweet little babe..~ haha...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fever and Health

Did you know that certain medications ought to be avoided when one is pregnant? pOor joyce was probably infected by my throat infection about 2weeks ago and she was down since last wednesday.. her 2day MC turned in 3 days when her fever would not subside but all she could take was paracetamol to ease the fever before the temperature comes back up after 3-4hours..

her cough and subsequent flu did not make things easier and though she's due back for work today, she isn't fully well yet, just hope that the office aircon would not affect her adversely..

It's tough for an expecting mother to cope with the physical changes in her body like backaches and feeling of nausea.. on top of that, illness just make things worse because your usual strong medication and antibotics cannot be taken..

i guess this is exactly the reason why people say that having a child in a marriage is a whole new profound experience, to bring a new life into this world.. words can hardly describe

get well soon darling

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Some Tips

While various sources of information are available online, perhaps this is one of the most comprehensive one, lots to learn and know for the pregnant mummy to stay healthy and feel well, a long list of items that will take some time to read, but i have finished reading, just need to refer back when necessary:

Common complaints during pregnancy
ParentsCentre's expert Dr Stuart Flanagan continues his series of articles by highlighting how to deal with various health issues you may experience during pregnancy. Dr Flanagan is an experienced physician who also works as a contributor and medical adviser for a number of BBC projects.

Healthy mum, healthy pregnancy
Staying as healthy as you can during your pregnancy will gives you the best chance of delivering a healthy baby at full term. Mum's health will be looked after by her doctor and midwife, but there's plenty every mother can do help things go to plan from the earliest days.

Knowing that you're pregnant 
For most women, the earliest sign that you're pregnant is that your periods have stopped. You may also have feeling of nausea and morning sickness, or tender, swollen breasts. The easiest way to confirm pregnancy is a urine test. Over-the-counter home pregnancy testing kits can give fast and accurate responses, and your GP or Family Planning Clinic can also test you a few days after your first missed period.

When is my baby due? 
The traditional method of calculating the due date is nine months and one week after the first day of your last period. However, if you became pregnant shortly after stopping the pill, or have irregular periods, an ultrasound examination may help to predict the due date more accurately.

Antenatal care
Once you've discovered that you are pregnant, it's important to seek medical advice so that your pregnancy will be a safe and happy one for mum and baby. Routine tests and check-ups are usually carried out by your doctor or midwife. Some GP surgeries run antenatal clinics, or you may attend the outpatients' obstetrics department at your local hospital. Here, you'll see a doctor or midwife who will carry out routine tests every month until the 28-week stage. Then you'll attend fortnightly until the 36-week stage, after which you'll be seen weekly until the delivery day.

Antenatal clinics 
"Blood pressure checks and urine tests to detect glucose or protein will also be part of your check-ups."
The first antenatal appointment is usually at the booking-in clinic. The doctor or midwife will confirm the pregnancy with a urine test and do some blood tests to check your blood group and to see if you are anaemic or low in iron.  Other routine bloods include tests for syphilis and immunity against rubella.  You may also be offered a test for HIV. Blood pressure checks and urine tests to detect glucose or protein will also be part of your check-ups. Glucose in the urine may be the first sign of diabetes, which will require closer investigation and treatment. Protein in the urine in the context of high blood pressure can be evidence of a condition called pre-eclampsia, which may require admission to hospital for monitoring.

Ultrasound scans 
The first ultrasound scan of your developing baby is one of the most exciting moments of any pregnancy. Ultrasound is a very safe way of finding out lots about how your pregnancy is progressing. Some women may require a pelvic ultrasound early in the pregnancy. Later in the pregnancy, the scan involves smearing some gel across your tummy and placing the scanner on your abdomen to get a picture of the uterus using soundwaves. It can tell us about foetal length, heartbeat (or heartbeats if there are twins/triplets), position, sex, expected date of delivery and any abnormalities.

Other tests 
Other tests may be discussed at your antenatal clinics, but these will depend on your circumstances. These can include an amniocentesis test, which takes a sample of fluid from around the foetus to test for Down's syndrome and other genetic abnormalities.

Staying healthy in pregnancy 
Stopping smoking before, during and after pregnancy is one of the best gifts any parent can give their new baby. Smoking during pregnancy has been shown to cause low birthweight, premature birth, and miscarriage and stillbirth. Your doctor will be happy to offer advice and practical help like nicotine gum for mum or dad when they decide to stop. Don't forget that it's never too late to stop.

"Supplement your diet with a good multivitamin that includes your daily requirements of folic acid, zinc and selenium."

Pregnancy is a good opportunity for mum to review her diet and think about improving her nutritional intake, which is now helping her baby to develop and grow in the womb. A well-balanced diet will include a selection from all the main food groups - carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates include bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. Proteins include fish, white and red meat, eggs, milk and other dairy produce. Fats come from butter, milk and dairy products. Most vitamins can be found in the most common fruit and vegetables.

A balanced diet doesn't need to be expensive. A bowl of cereal flavoured with some slices of banana for breakfast will get the day off to a good start, filling you up for the morning as well as providing energy and vitamins. A light pasta or rice dish at lunchtime should keep you going until your evening meal, which might include some vegetables, meat or fish. Vegetarian mums won't lose out as long as they replace their protein intake with beans, mushrooms, cheese and eggs, and include an iron supplement.

If you feel peckish between meals why not snack on an apple, orange or pear instead of a biscuit? That's not to say chocolate, ice cream or sweets are banned, but keep your treats special and perhaps indulge once a week instead of every day. Supplement your diet with a good multivitamin that includes your daily requirements of folic acid, zinc and selenium. You should also limit your alcohol intake to no more than eight units spread across the week.

"Twenty minutes of gentle swimming three times a week will build stamina for your delivery day."
Some mums may be concerned that taking exercise in pregnancy could put them at risk of miscarriage or causing harm to their baby. In fact, if your pregnancy is progressing normally, there's no reason why you shouldn't simply modify your usual exercise regime, or even start a new exercise programme.

Swimming is a very effective way of exercising gently and effectively. It will help to build muscle strength and keep your joints supple. Twenty minutes of gentle swimming three times a week will build stamina for your delivery day. Set aside time afterwards to warm down with rest period. However, don't wind down with a steep in the sauna or in a hot shower - the warm temperatures will cause sweating which can cause an imbalance in your body fluids and may raise your blood pressure. Make sure you drink a bottle of water after exercise, which will replace lost fluids. 

Sexual intercourse won't be harmful to your developing baby during pregnancy. As long as the male partner isn't carrying any sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, your baby isn't at risk. However, some mothers will be advised against intercourse in certain circumstances, particularly if the placenta is lying over the neck of the womb, or you are at risk of bleeding after sex. Your doctor will advise you if they have concerns.

As the baby develops and mum's tummy grows, you may need to find some new positions which make sex more comfortable. Indeed, if your baby is a few days overdue you might be advised to make love with your partner, as the man's semen contains prostaglandins which can help to ripen the cervix and induce labour in the overdue pregnancy.

Morning sickness 
Feeling nauseous and sick in the early stages of pregnancy is extremely common, affecting about 80 per cent of women. Morning sickness usually occurs during the first three months of pregnancy, although for a few women it may persist for longer.

Although it is usually referred to as morning sickness, the symptoms can also last throughout the day. Symptoms can vary in severity - most sufferers will feel nauseous but may not be sick, whereas some women may find they are unable to keep any foods down. This form of morning sickness occurs rarely and is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It will require hospital admission to settle the symptoms.

Morning sickness is caused by the hormones of pregnancy which are helping in the development of the baby and placenta. Although the symptoms are unpleasant, the sickness won't harm the developing foetus. There are a few tried and tested tips which have should alleviate morning sickness:

> eat small frequent meals - an empty stomach will make you feel nauseous. 
> dry carbohydrate snacks and nibbles will help throughout the day - dry crackers, toast and plain biscuits. 
> don't jump out of bed too quickly - take your time. 
> keep well rested throughout the day when you can. 
> keep well hydrated with water or juices - avoid alcohol and caffeine as they will dry you out. 
> If your symptoms persist and you continue to feel unwell, see your doctor. 

Although it's something not many women like to discuss, constipation is actually one of the most common complaints in pregnancy, affecting around half of pregnant women. The growing uterus puts pressure on the lower bowel (or rectum) and the hormones of pregnancy reduce the transit time of food in the gut.

The result of this is that your food takes longer to travel to your rectum, so when it does arrive, the stool is hard and difficult to pass. As a consequence you may find bowel motions more infrequent, and may suffer from lower abdominal pains.

Although it's something not many women like to discuss, constipation is actually one of the most common complaints in pregnancy, affecting around half of pregnant women.
To prevent constipation, try to include plenty of high fibre foods in your diet.  These include fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals and wholegrain bread. If you are suffering from constipation, prunes can be a very effective laxative. Drink plenty of water, which will help to keep the stools soft. Regular exercise will help to stimulate the bowel and aid digestion. 

Some over-the-counter agents are safe to use in pregnancy - Fybogel will help to bulk the stools, and Senna is a well-tolerated stimulant laxative. If you still have problems, see your GP, who will be able to advise regarding prescribed laxatives.

General aches and pains 
Like everyone else, pregnant mums can suffer from headaches and other aches and pains. However, before you reach for your usual painkillers, you should be aware that not all analgesics can be used in pregnancy.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen are not safe to use in pregnancy. They may cause miscarriage in the early stages, or induce early labour in the later pregnancy, and may interfere with kidney function. Aspirin is not recommended for pain relief as it can increase the risk of bleeding.

Codeine-based analgesia can cause breathing problems for baby in later stages of pregnancy and should only be taken in the early stages under a doctor's supervision. However, Paracetamol is safe for short-term use throughout pregnancy. Always consult your pharmacist regarding painkillers if you think you may be pregnant. Don't forget that a warm bath or gentle upright massage can be soothing for a sore back or aching muscles.

Colds and coughs 
If you come down with a cold during your pregnancy, be sure to consult your pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter preparations. Many will contain antihistamines or Codeine, which are not advised in pregnancy. Try some simple therapies such as gently inhaling a salt water steam preparation to reduce congestion, or simple linctus for persistent coughs. Paracetamol will help to relieve headaches.

Skin changes/rashes 
Pregnant mums can also be affected by the rashes which affect any patient, such as eczema and psoriasis.
Many women will experience changes in their skin during pregnancy - most of these changes are termed 'physiological', which means they are entirely normal and indeed associated with being pregnant. These include:
hyperpigmentation - or darkening - of the nipples and genital area. 
Linea Nigra - a dark, sometimes hairy, line which runs from the belly button to the pubic area. 
Striae Gravidarum -stretch marks around the abdomen as it expands. These usually start off pink and become white or shiny after delivery. 
varicose veins on the legs. 
Pregnant mums can also be affected by the rashes which affect any patient, such as eczema and psoriasis. Moisturiser creams such as Calamine lotion are safe to use to sooth the skin. Your doctor will advise regarding steroid creams.

There are a few distinct rashes which occur only in pregnancy and are termed specific dermatoses of pregnancy. These include:

PUPPP (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy) 
This is the most common skin condition in pregnancy and essentially the name refers to red, raised itchy bumps which appear on the abdomen and thighs. It usually occurs late in pregnancy, but causes no harm to mother or baby. Topical steroid cream will help to reduce the inflammation and itch.

Prurigo Gestationis 
This rash appears as red itchy dots mostly spread across the arms, legs and trunk. The rash can appear in mid- or late pregnancy. Simple antihistamine therapy will relieve the itch and the rash will disappear within a few weeks after delivery.

Mum can also suffer from itching without a rash - this is called pruritis and can occur as a result of mild jaundice. Mum may notice some yellow discolouration of the eyes and skin. This is due to intrahepatic cholestasis - the liver does not process bile quite so efficiently in pregnancy and so the breakdown products can build up in the skin, causing jaundice and itch.

If you have any unusual rashes or skin changes it is always best to seek medical attention.

our journey to conceiving this miracle...

Wasnt an easy journey when we try to start planning for this little miracle..

Knowing some existing health conditions of mine makes the journey tougher and longer...

Daddy Ho afraid that he might not be able to cope with his studies and Mummy Ho pregnant at the same time.. so the journey wasnt that enthusiatic in the first place..

Mummy Ho had gone thru so many cycles to finally conceive this little miracle..

As a basic knowledge of female menstrual cycle, there is only a short window for trying.. Sad to say, Mummy Ho doesnt follow this cycle... Mummy Ho went ahead for checkup even though Daddy Ho nt keen in the early of this year.. so the journey started since then..

throughout the journey, as each cycle fails, Daddy Ho realised the journey is indeed not that easy.. with the number of pills popping each day, Daddy Ho feels helpless... he could only be there for her w a glass of water everytime it is time for popping pills.. she bet he doesnt even know which pill is for what..

Mummy Ho not only had to take pills, jabs to ensure the cycle enter into the correct stage as desired... so far, Mummy Ho taken 2 types of pills to improve conditions.. and she is prepared to go to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) if this cycle fails.. looks like little baby Ho dun like chinese medicine.. haha

This is the 6th or 7th cycle, Mummy Ho cant remember ler.. Dunno why this cycle Mummy Ho didnt go to Dr Lee (gynae) for medication after the new cycle starts.. She went to the gynae on CD18 and by right for a normal mummy-to-be CD18 is almost the end of that short window.. got a scan during the gynae visit, to Mummy Ho's surprise there are improvements for her, it was spotted 2 follicles on the way to ripen, but as a normal person this is a very long n late cycle.. she was so happy that it was nothing to do w the medication... Daddy Ho tried to console her in the same way too.. Though both of them were not hopeful at all cos Dr Lee reprimanded them for not coming in earlier to start the new cycle w medication.. Dr Lee was telling them how disappointing this cycle is as the follicles should have ripe as according to normal cycle, it is in the v initial stage only..

Mummy Ho ordered some ovulation strips from UK to track ovulation... She started tracking before they went to visit Dr Lee. She waited for 19days before a +ve on the strip.. she wasnt v convinced but she continue to prepare for the next action... another armour brot in for this cycle, spermie-friendly lubricant, supposedly to help the little guys to stay in place longer in the right PH environment.. Armours for this mission dont come cheap..

With the knowledge Mummy Ho has been gathering online, she knows that 14days later is the judgement day.. no special treatment during this period though she is still poppin pills given by Dr Lee.. she even went JB for seafood feast.. no wonder she has been complaining fatigue when she walks... nobodi was expecting anything during the 14days...

Daddy Ho finally finished his studies... his results are out on the 10 Dec, which happens to be Mummy Ho judgement day too... But Daddy Ho fell ill the nite b4, he managed to get his more than expected results on tat nite.. he was simply thrill w his performance in skool.. the next day wen Mummy Ho whipped out her test strip she was doing it alone waiting for the results.. She tot her eyes were like playing trick on her when the strip had this v v v v faint line that she tot it might be the factory manufacturing fault...

the next day Mummy Ho tested was this v v faint line, note the 2 lesser v v, cos this time it was slightly visible.. Daddy Ho was w her, he didnt dare to raise her hope since the line was still faint.. that day Mummy Ho had to carry lots n lots of heavy stuffs, bcos she is having her event in the nite. she spotted some red when she went to the ladies.. she told Daddy Ho the bad news.. both of them tot it was gone case.. was waiting for the full strength to report the next day but it didnt..

Dunno why Mummy Ho decided to test again on saturday... it is much clearer this time.. Daddy Ho not v convinced still, hence they decided on the all-time trusted brand Clearblue.. Mummy Ho understands that ovulation strip could give the result too.. hence she went to try it in the nite... it is very very very very dark test line.. woohoo.. Mummy Ho pretty sure by then...

the next day Mummy and Daddy Ho embraced the most important moment of their life... Daddy Ho w the Clearblue test kit, Mummy Ho w the UK test strip, they tested together... indeed the most trusted brand, within 10secs, the BIG FAT POSTIVE result appeared in front of our eyes... Daddy Ho no longer interested in the test strip Mummy Ho had in her hands...

In their small little room, their sunday morning was fully brighten up by this miracle life they created... They then announced the news to Daddy Ho's parents.. Mummy Ho only informed her mummy in the nite.. slowly the news were spread to Mummy Ho's close friends and colleagues as she simply couldnt contain the happiness within herself.. haha...

From the Old Lady Ho, she mentioned that she dreamt that Mummy Ho announced to her that she is pregnant 2 weeks ago... wow.. this is creepy isnt it.. haha..

Maybe e baby wants the daddy's full attention when he/she is developing, hence only come to us after Daddy Ho's results are released.. Daddy Ho will certainly dotes on this little miracle baby..

by the way this is also Mummy Ho wish for this year, and little baby Ho has to rush at the last minute of the year to fulfill her wish... They are simply thrilled for the rest of their lives..

They no longer need to leave the empty room as guest room but their little precious bedroom... Little precious should be out by the time their house is ready.. this is just so nice timing..

Just like the fairytale stories Mummy Ho reads when she is young.. n she has read and watch those movies repeatedly in her younger days..

Finally it is wish-come-true for her... :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Visit to the Gynae

No blood test needed, just a general check on BP and weight, we spoke to the gynae and proceeded for the scan to confirm what we already know, the pregnancy!

It's a wonder how little we can see on the screen and yet how much the image before us mean to us, it was the moment.. words can hardly describe the feelings that went through our mind.

It's take another few more weeks before we can get a better picture and also a baby heartbeat.. meanwhile, we'll share the scan of the day:

Monday, December 15, 2008

Birth Summary

Provided by website, its a brief summary of somethings we can expect:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good News at last

Good News!

No intention to market Clearblue products, but they remain one of the most reliable testing kits around and there is little mistake when a Big Fat Plus (+) sign shows up on the test kit early in the morning!

A great way to start a sunday, now to get that doctor's appointment to re-confirm what we already know and make sure things stablise before we start telling more people around us of the little miracle that is happening in our life.. till then!

We are all smiles

An early check

Using the test strip on 13dec shown a somewhat faint looking line appearing after the control line, but a faint strip is always better than having nothing at all.. what would it be on 14dec?

Something Exciting

Something exciting is coming our way and the joy would not be limited to just the 2 of us.. for now, only 4 of us know, but soon, we'll be ready to share the good news with more people

Such is the miracle of life