Sunday, August 16, 2009

Rants Update

Sorry if this is turning into a rant page.. bear with daddy for this few days alright..

basically daddy and mummy had more or less decided to speak to the auntie and ask her to leave.. but somehow, daddy and mummy just didn't do it and we will also mindful that an extra pair of hands at home was important..

daddy was more firm towards the auntie today, one incident that daddy was most aggressive was when the auntie force-feed denson when denson was crying.. daddy even saw the auntie shaking her legs resulting in denson being held with a jerking motion while the milk bottle was stuffed in denson's mouth while he was wailing..

daddy couldn't take it and snatch denson away from the auntie.. the express breastmilk was far to warm for denson to consume and thus he cried and the auntie instead that the milk was not too warm and daddy told the auntie off..

mummy was commenting also on how the auntie toned down abit after daddy showed her some colours..

now i guess daddy needs to continue playing the role of the baddie so that denson can get the best treatment from the auntie..

we are putting up with her for abit longer and let's see what happens as we go along..

One thing's for sure, daddy and mummy was always act in the best interest of denson, parental instincts in action, watch out baddies!

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